Nearly Terminal

3 songs for voice & piano [4’]; words Eleni Zisimatos; 2024.

Commissioner: George Elliott Clarke with the assistance of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
Premiere: Alex Samaras, baritone, with pianist Helen Becqué, the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Toronto, May 23, 2024 


Strange the sun behind
Strange glass

It amounts to mirrors, tricks
The business

Of You.

Quiet in the field
Everything quiet




Memories of something
Deep under the white
Like a frozen fur
Detached from a body


The memory of a body



Forward, onward
Straight ahead
Like a horse
Like a sad story
Like a heart transplant Like a bomb

Forward to the very last
The casket of judgement
And there

— Eleni Zisimatos, from Nearly Terminal (2019)